In the fourth Rootstalk podcast, audio producer Noah Herbin and associate editor Eva Gemrich interview David Osterberg of the Department of Occupational and Environmental Health at the University of Iowa about Confined Animal Feeding Operations—also known as CAFOs. Professor Osterberg is also cofounder of the Iowa Policy Project, a “nonprofit, nonpartisan organization founded in 2001 to produce research and analysis to engage Iowans in state policy decisions.” Osterberg has lead a multitude of outreach events, talks, and demonstrations, all focused on translating research through community engagement. During his talk at Drake Community Library, Grinnell, IA, in February of this year, David Osterberg discussed the CAFO policies in place throughout Iowa, and around the world, as well as the impact CAFOs have on water quality and public health in Iowa. In this podcast, Professor Osterberg answers Rootstalk’s questions about the problems and potential solutions surrounding CAFOs.